Thursday, February 3, 2011

Who's ready for S&M?

First of all, I want to apologize for this inappropriate title, however I do have a legitimate reason for it. About five minutes ago I just watched the new music video S&M by Rihanna, and every part of me is genuinely disgusted. The entire video was filled with sexual connotation and the people in the video were all dressed up in suggestive costumes such as bondages or dog chains.  (Click HERE to see the video for yourself)

However I did not write this post just to slash the video or the song (but just to clarify, I HATE this song). Sure this video is definitely one of most edgy, envelope pushing ones in recent music industry, but it sure did not just come out of nowhere.  In recent years, we all have seen many artists that use the good ol' SEX, DRUGS and ROCK & ROLL to sell. The controversies are getting more controversial, the crazies are getting crazier!!! Lady Gaga and her Alejandro, Kanye West and his Monster, Rihanna and her Disturbia. THEY SURE ARE DISTURBING! But my question is, is this really an expressive art form or it's just plain marketing scams? I mean it seems like the only thing that sells these days are the glorification of excessive drinking, overly exposed boy parts and dramatized sexual contents. Is this what really represents OUR generation? These marketing strategies of giving what the public want, as much as I don't want to say, are brilliant, truly ingenious!! But these "good ideas" are hindering the true talents of our time. Once in a while we get a Susan Boyles, and we get reminded what amazing-ness is all about, and how many Susans do we have, that actually made it to Billboard's HOT 100? Not that many.

Our pop culture is so saturated with mediocre talents with maximized packaging and over exposure. Now it's time to bring out the maximized talents with the maximized packaging.

(photo source: